Saturday, November 30, 2019

2019 June - 2019 November six month baby investor

Nov. 30, 2019


It is very stressful to stay in the stock market even though I already know all the analysis of my own portfolios, I did research based on Canada retirement guide and do believe that the research makes sense. The road to take risk is tough, one thing I can manage is to stay in the market one year and learn from one year experience.

My portfolios

I already stayed in the market over 6 months. I totally felt good last 10 years to let fund stay in bank with 1% interest or no interest, but stay in the market and go up and down, I feel stressful. It is called loss aversion.

I had painful experience in short time in 2001 and in 2009. But I did not think carefully, over 20% loss, and then put all my USA fund in IRA CD or money market fund over 10 years. Even though each year only less than 1% interest.

It is called stubborn, getting old, no more learning in my personal finance. It is hard for me to push myself to advance in my career, so I chose to work on personal finance instead. Now I feel that it is tough to live a life like staying in market.

I can push myself to stay in the market one year. I will see how many things I learn, every time I feel stressful, I will try to learn something new on personal finance.

Actionable items

Based on my experience in 2001 and 2009, I did not invest enough time to learn investment. I just did the investment and managed my 401 K and IRA. I did not fully review every year. So this bad habit of personal finance caused me struggle last 23 years in north America.

It is better for me to invest time to learn basics first. I learned how to work on algorithm and data structure last five years, I like to use those experience to work on my personal finance as well.

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