Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Leetcode solved problem: From 461 to 492

July 21, 2020


It is important for me to push myself to write code every day. I did not do that since January 2020, coronavius, running to prepare for Vancouver sun run, and then hay fever, and stock market crashes. Starting from May 28, 2020, I had to prepare for Facebook phone screen, and then I started to work on algorithms again. I only solved 32 new algorithms so far.

32 algorithms

I am so glad to learn the benefit to write code for those simple algorithms. Even the tough one, it only took me less than three or four hours to make it work.

Things I like to talk about is about Trie data structure, using stack, and other things like tree algorithms.

Facts to review

It takes 3 days nonstop practice, so that I can find out how many weakness I have in my thinking process and drafting process.

After my first break-down, it took me 40 minutes to go back to think efficiently using knightdial algorithm. I learn that I have to let my brain get used to those stress, and then I can perform better.

At my peak time, it only takes me five minutes to recall the whole thing, after six months break, the first one will take me 40 minutes. To prepare for Facebook phone screen, I need something like 2 - 3 minutes to refresh my muscle memory.

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