Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10 Lessons on Time Management from Bill Gates

Here is the article.

  1. Take your time seriously
  2. Put in the hours
  3. Structure your time
  4. Don't waste time to make more time
  5. Get sleep 
  6. Take advantage of snippets of time
  7. Think long term and invest your time
  8. Prioritize
  9. Chunk your time int topics
  10. Use software

2. Put in the Hours
Malcom Gladwell used in his book Outliers on how the most successful individuals put in at least 10,000 hours of work before becoming successful. 

You can say no, you can ignore that one ridiculous email, you can delegate things. You can leave unimportant things for later. Again, YOU CAN SAY NO! Don’t take care of everything that comes your way. Don’t say yes to everyone. Schedule your time and prioritize.

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