It is so interested to know that once I am busy with the study, the nervousness is kind of going away. I did very good one on preparation, and I had great performance later on the evening to complete code in limited time.
Algorithm 1. In order successor
Algorithm 2. Flatten the dictionary
Algorithm 3: HTree
Algorithm 4: Reverse words
Algorithm 5. Find distance binary tree
Algorithm 6. Leetcode 23 Merge K Sorted List
Algorithm 7: Leetcode 37 Sudoku
Algorithm 8: Leetcode 49 Group anagrams
Algorithm 9: Leetcode54 SpiralMatrix
Algorithm 10: Leetcode 72 Edit distance
Algorithm 11: Leetcode 114 Flatten Binary Tee to Linked List
Algorithm 12: Leetcode 212 Word Search II
Algorithm 13: Leetcode 295 Find median for path stream
Algorithm 14: Leetcode 295 median of stream
Algorithm 15. Leetcode 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence
Algorithm 16. Leetcode 416 Partition equal subset sum
Algorithm 17: Leetcode 516 Longest palindrome subsequence
Algorithm 18: Leetcode 605 Can place flowers
Algorithm 19: Binary tree two path same value
Algorithm 20: Leetcode 239 Sliding window maximum
Algorithm 21: Leetcode 57 Insert interval
Algorithm 22: Leetcode 10 Regular expression matching
Algorithm 23: Leetcode 547 Find Circle
Algorithm 24: Leetcode 130 Surrouned region
Algorithm 25: Maze Project
Algorithm 26: Short Job First using Icomparer
Algorithm 27: Leetcode 554 Brick wall
can you post your list