Sunday, August 5, 2018

Anonymous peer coaching vs ex-coach coaching

August 5, 2018


I like to write a blog to compare two coaching, one is 45 minutes from Tsinghua master graduate student, the second one is 30 minutes from Waterloo, anonymous one I met this weekend. One is in the city of Beijing, one is in Toronto Canada.

Anonymous peer coaching

I met the graduate from last Friday 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM, the interviewee time was 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM. The interviewee was very good to communicate using English. He is not a Chinese. He told me that all the students are doing is to work on algorithm problem solving and prepare for the interview. He had a lot of interviews before, at the beginning he did not do very good, after a lot of practice, he is much better. He needs to get back to practice interview again.

He recommended a book called elements of programming interview, one video site on called SDE skills. He also showed me how he solved the problems since I was his interviewer on

I did not expect to meet this Google intern until he decided to share his experience after 30 minutes mock interview. I felt so good since some one helped me to share his understanding of the algorithm I like to get more input.

Here is the showcase on my blog about this mock interview.

Ex-coach coaching

Surprisingly I got an email back Saturday evening. I got invitation to talk to ex-coach again.

I just could not believe that I had chance to get second opinion on this algorithm again called write an iterator for lists of iterators.

Here is the transcript for this 45 minutes coaching.

Three musketeers

I like to write a story similar to the famous story like "Three musketeers". How I write something valuable and make sense in 21 century.

Here is the conversation between first two musketeers (Julia and anonymous intern): - August 3, 2018 10:00 PM PST - mock interviewing platform

Julia: I noticed that you are junior developer. How many years do you have experience?
Google intern: saying that
Julia: Yes. Sometime it shows senior developer.
Google intern: I am graduating this year.
Julia: How do you like your interview questions? I have a lot of options.
Google intern: I like the one similar to the real one.
Julia: Let us start from easy one, and then we extended to a hard one.
Julia: I already gave this algorithm to over 10 people here on

Julia: You are the best performer so far. I wondered how good you are. What kind of job you are looking for?

Julia: I had a coach who worked over 500 leetcode algorithms. I just finished over 100, and last two weeks I finished another 40 algorithm.
Anonymous peer: I do not like to work on so many leetcode algorithms. You are supposed to work on a subset of algorithms.

Around 40 minutes/ 60 minutes
Anonymous peer: Do you have another algorithm for the interview?
Julia: This hard level one should be good enough for the interview.

We talked about the algorithm called list of iterators design.
Anonymous peer: You should work on leetcode question with tag: design

Anonymous peer: I believed that I met you twice on (Julia ? is this possible? voice masking? no idea the voice familiar?)

Here is the conversation between another two musketters (Julia and his ex-coach): - August 5 8:00 AM PST

ex-coach: 你发的问题我没有搞懂。 (潜台词:把问题解释一遍, 用自己的话)


It is so much fun to work on one algorithm with two friends this weekend. I will take one algorithm a time, and continue to learn more algorithms in the future.

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