Monday, November 11, 2019

Investing book: Rule #1 by Phil Town

This book combines modern tools with Buffett-style investing and takes you step-by-step through the analysis process. A must-read for new investors.
Phil Town is now a very wealthy man, but he wasn’t always. In fact, he was living on a salary of $4000 a year when some well-timed advice launched him down a highway of investing self-education that revealed what the true “rules” are and how to make them work in one’s favor. Chief among them, of course, is “rule #1”: “don’t lose money.” Other rules are: don’t diversify…think like an owner, not an investor… never, ever be seduced into thinking the market is efficient. Town also believes strongly in “betting on the jockey,” putting your faith in managers who’ve proven their financial mettle. Get it here.

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