Sunday, August 12, 2018

Training as a programmer

August 12, 2018


There are so many ways to advance yourself to top programmer in the world. But it is not easy at the beginning, in the middle of process, maybe last 10% should be easy.

It is hard work, and a lot of coding. No recipe can replace hard working, training, coding every day, every week.

My training 

I have tried so many things last four years. I did see some progress but I still need to work on more.

Here are the list of things I worked on last few years.

1. Over 25 Hackerrank contests played; 100 algorithm problems solved or partially solved. Here is my hackerrank profile.
2. 40 algorithm questions asked on code review Here is my code review web link.
3. 140 Leetcode algorithm solved up to August 12, 2018. Here is my Leetcode profile.
4. 350 mock interviews. Here is the link on my github for mock interviews.
5. 60 mock interviews as an interviewer. Here is the link on my github as an interviewer.
6. 2000 blogs about algorithm and related topics.
7. Real experience for code challenges, meetings like phone screen, onsite, mock interviews. One of blogs is here. Another one is here.

Based on my ex-coach advise in July 2018, I need to work on Leetcode easy level algorithm, work on easy level algorithms first, and then move on medium level algorithm, and then move on to hard level algorithm. I like to submit 200 algorithms on first. I submitted 100 algorithm up to July 1, 2018. Let us see how long it takes me to complete second 100 algorithms, most of them are easy level Leetcode algorithms.

August 12, 2018, Leetcode solved problems:

July 21, 2018, Leetcode solved problems:

July 21 - August 12, 2018, 32 easy algorithms, 5 medium algorithms, 3 hard level algorithms.

Leetcode Tree algorithm

Here is the link to find all Leetcode tree algorithm. 91 algorithms include 27 easy, 55 medium, 9 hard algorithms.

23 solved, total 27
14 solved, total 55
2 solved, total 9.

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