Monday, November 11, 2019

Investing book: The Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence Cunningham

Perhaps one of the best investing books of all time – this timeless literary feat consists of key letters from Buffett to his partnership and to Berkshire shareholders. This is seminal wit and wisdom.
The year 2015 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Berkshire Hathaway under Warren Buffett’s leadership, a milestone worth commemorating. The tenure sets a record for a chief executive not only in duration but in value creation and philosophizing.
As the book Buffett autographs most, its popularity and longevity attest to the widespread appetite for this unique compilation of Buffett’s thoughts that is at once comprehensive, non-repetitive, and digestible. New and experienced readers alike will gain an invaluable informal education by perusing this classic arrangement of Warren’s best writings. Get it here.

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