Saturday, October 27, 2018

Leetcode weekly contest 108

Oct. 27, 2018


It is another weekly contest, I did prepare better this time. I ate an orange before the contest to make sure that I will not feel headache, since I played some tennis before the contest. I like to perform better this time.

My performance

Here is my performance. I solved two algorithms in the contest. Second algorithm is not too hard, but I had so many issues and needed to work with online judge four times until I can pass the online judge.

After the contest

I learned an optimal solution and dynamic programming solution for question II - 930. Binary subarray with Sum. I will write those two solutions in next one hour or two.

Next time in the contest, I should think about the elegant solution first. In theory, there is an elegant solution for each algorithm, it takes less than 10 minutes. I need to think about 10 minutes carefully, this way I can finish three algorithms and then advance my ranking.

I checked player's the ranking of contest with score 14, which is in the range from 80 to 8,000, so my global ranking of contest 13, 000, the performance of contest matches my ability. I only solved 270 algorithms, I did see players solved 800 algorithms with score 14.

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