Thursday, March 15, 2018

Build a new drill for daily workout

March 15, 2018


It is easy to stay in the comfortable zone. Specially when I work on the algorithm Knight's tour today, I feel so uncomfortable, I have to deal with an unknown problem, draw a graph, think about problem space, counting sort, seek tips, one after the another. Even though I know that I have to simplify the problem to make it straightforward one. It is called uncomfortable feeling.

In order to push myself out of comfortable zone, I have to develop a drill for myself, work on a new algorithm every few hours in the day time.

How to develop the drill?

I chatted one of computer science graduate student, he just got Google intern offer. He told me that he has worked on Leetcode over 400 algorithms. What I have worked on, less than 150 algorithm from Leetcode.

It is so easy to work on one algorithm. If I take a break every hour, I may just take five minutes break. Read the problem statement of the algorithm using 5 minutes. That is it.

Whenever I have time, I will let myself think about the algorithm.

Need more curiosity?

I need to do some short research how to develop more curiosity on algorithm and data structure. Please list three ideas here.

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