Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sleepless in Bejing and early bird in Vancouver

May 31, 2018


How can two people meet with such busy work and life? A young graduate will sacrifice sleep and meet 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM in Beijing, and an early bird in Vancouver will get up before 7:30 AM and prepare to be coached for three weeks drill. I think that the blog should definitely be called "Sleepless in Beijng and helps early bird in Vancouver".

It is such great experience to have a series of mock interviews from May 12 to May 31, 2018. We have met over 8 times in total connecting from Beijing to Vancouver. I could not believe that it is such an enjoyable thing to do. I will write down a few things I learn through the series of mock interviews.

Good partnership

I know that a good coach will work with different players. I enjoy the time to work with my coach. I start to know his personality and also very good hard working stories now. My coach is cool as the youngest tennis coach Daniel Vallverdu  who coaches ten 10 ATP player Dimitrov.

I always follow tennis professional players, one of favorites, Safarova, and think about getting a coach like Rob Steckley. My research topic is similar to surviving after 30. One practice I am done!

First blog:

Introduction to get help from a coach is written in a blog called special three weeks drill.

836 minutes working together

It is definitely a big number, 836 minutes, close to 14 hours. There are eight mock interviews in total up to May 29, 2018.

First interview ( 71 minutes)

Detail see my blog called first mock interview from my coach.

Second interview (108 minutes)

Minimum cost using dynamic programming - mock interview

The transcript is here written in mock interview. And the code is written after the contest.

Find least number of perfect square, the blog is here.

Third interview (101 minutes)

Next large element in the array, the blog is here.

Height of tree, the blog is here.

Fourth interview (114 minutes)

The mock interview is documented here. The algorithm is called ....

Fifth interview (124)

find string s2 containg s1 permutation, the blog is here.

Sixth interview (105 minutes)

Suggest a char with maximum occurrence at the position with the given prefix. The blog is here.

breadth first search algorithm - processed by layers. The blog is here.

Seventh interview (96 minutes)

union find algorithm is documented here.

Eighth interview (116 minutes)

Leetcode 91 Decode ways is documented here.

Isomorphic strings is documented here.

Extra algorithms discussed:

1. Second mock interview

My past practice on dynamic programming is here. Manhantan 2 booking woman is the algorithm to apply dynamic programming.

2. Ask code review for my mock interview performance on trapping rain water.

3. Discussion about hard level algorithm maximum disjoint subtree product

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