Monday, June 18, 2018

Leetcode last 12 months 42 algorithm submissions

June 18, 2018


It feels so good to check in those 42 algorithms I submitted on Leetcode online judge last 12 months. I plan to review what I have worked on and then I find some algorithms to work on again. One of algorithms is Sliding window maximum algorithm. I did not have chance to review the algorithm last 4 weeks, even though I had chance to work on next large element algorithm.

Study once but review once a month. The learning is not one time deal. I need to follow up with more reviews, and also expand my understanding of each algorithm.

Last month I did quickly put together a pdf file to list all algorithm I submitted last 12 months by looking up Leetcode algorithms and then marked algorithms.

Source code on github

Here is the source code folder on my github.

My research topic

I like to choose a small research topic today, now it is 11:34 PM. I like to write down my thoughts right now. I cannot exhaust all hard level algorithm on Leetcode. There is always a new hard level algorithm. Go over those algorithm I work on again, try to explore more on the algorithm.

To train myself, it is better to work on the algorithm with more detail. For example, I can spend over 10 hours to look into Leetcode 239: slide window maximum algorithm, and also blog about my experience and learning.

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