Friday, February 12, 2021

CQRS: Command and query responsibility segregation architecture pattern

Feb. 12, 2021


It is tough to be a software programmer. I may do things like CQRS, but I never have time to read a book Microservice and this pattern is so popular and well-written. As a programmer to work hard, there are so many directions to take. I like to slow down and take 10 minutes to read the following content. 

CQRS architecture pattern  

An important point is that you might want to communicate to multiple microservices that are subscribed to the same event. To do so, you can use publish/subscribe messaging based on event-driven communication, as shown in Figure 4-19. This publish/subscribe mechanism isn't exclusive to the microservice architecture. It's similar to the way Bounded Contexts in DDD should communicate, or to the way you propagate updates from the write database to the read database in the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) architecture pattern. The goal is to have eventual consistency between multiple data sources across your distributed system.

In asynchronous event-driven communication, one microservice publishes events to an event bus and many microservices can subscribe to it, to get notified and act on it. Your implementation will determine what protocol to use for event-driven, message-based communications. AMQP can help achieve reliable queued communication.

When you use an event bus, you might want to use an abstraction level (like an event bus interface) based on a related implementation in classes with code using the API from a message broker like RabbitMQ or a service bus like Azure Service Bus with Topics. Alternatively, you might want to use a higher-level service bus like NServiceBus, MassTransit, or Brighter to articulate your event bus and publish/subscribe system.

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