Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Leetcode premium: Amazon online assessment

 Feb. 18, 2021 

5. Longest Palindromic Substring
C# | 2021-Feb-18 | two dimension dp | iterate on length from 1 to maximum
C# | 2015-06-15 | dp solution | coding style

  1. K Closest Points to Origin
    C# | 2021-Feb-18 | SortedSet<Tuple<double,int>> | maximum heap with size K
    C# | 2019-Jan-02 | TLE | SortedDictionary
    C# |2019-Jan-02 | TLE | Dictionary<int, HashSet>
    C# | 2019 | timeout is really a challenging problem to solve

Feb. 19, 2021
1258. Synonymous Sentences
C# | mock online assessment | Extra one hour | Union Find | DFS | Copy one line
C# | DFS | Backtracking | Union find | StringComparison.Ordinal | more challenges
1128. Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs
C# | Counting sort | Combination subroutine | 2021-Feb-18

Feb. 18, 2021
346. Moving Average from Data Stream
C# | Queue | actual size not maximum | O(1) to remove first one and add current one
1331. Rank Transform of an Array
C# | Sorting | distinct values | 2-18-2021

  1. Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers
    C# | Mock online assessment | Tree | Recursive | Calculation challenge | 2021-Feb-19

  2. Two Sum BSTs
    C# | 2021-02-18 | preorder traversal | two hashSets

  3. Rank Transform of an Array
    C# | Sorting | distinct values | 2-18-2021

  4. Spiral Matrix II
    C# | 2021-02-18 | direction array | visited array | automatic direction change | clockwise

  5. Rotting Oranges
    C# | BFS | Starting from rotten orange | 2021-02-18

Leetcode premium | Mock onsite interviews
Google mock onsite
Microsoft mock onsite
Facebook mock onsite
Facebook mock online assessment
Amazon online assessment

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