Saturday, December 26, 2020

Bill ackman: The Mindset of a BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR | How Bill Ackman Makes His MONEY

 Here is the link. 

✎ Bill Ackman's Top 10 Rules for Success. He's an investor with a net worth of over $1 billion. He's the founder and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management. He made a billion-dollar bet against Herbalife, a company he has claimed is a pyramid scheme. He's Bill Ackman and here's my take on his Top 10 Rules for Success!

  1. How to handle adversity
  2. Study success - startup - how to make business work - best experience -
  3. Invest well - 10 to 15% a year - public companies - more stablished - change mind - you can understand
  4. Be direct - extremely candor - fear of confrontation - super talent - confront CEO -
  5. Be confident - conviction to do something - shopping mall company - look silly - 90 fold
  6. Contribute -
  7. Deal with criticism
  8. Learn your craft
  9. Don't follow the herd - stomach - hold the ...
  10. Give opportunities

Invest well
  1. Coco cola - for example
  2. Change mind, public company
  3. What you can own forever?
Be think skin in the business - work on my job, live my life
Do your due diligence

A year of tuition - open my brokerage account


Learn your craft
  1. my own little study program - tuition - one year tuition - take one more year if he lost - first stock went up
  2. Approach your own way - read book, learn more about business
Convention background - work on blackrock, human being, not work on Harvard graduate school ...

Look silly -

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