Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Leetcode dsicuss: Leetcode 600 questions beyond - strategies and tips

Here is the link. 

Dec. 30, 2020

I like to get advice how to advance my problem solving skills by practicing Leetcode algorithm.

I solved over 180 algorithms in 2020 to prepare for Facebook onsite (August) and Google onsite (December), in total I solved 605 algorithms (243 Easy/ 289 Medium/ 73 Hard). After Google phone screen, I paid for Leetcode annual premium to prepare Google onsite in Oct. 2020, I finished 14 set of Google mock onsite interviews.

I like to get advice how to improve my problem solving skills. Here are my plan in 2021:

  1. Solve all Leetcode premium Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft mock onsite interview questions;
  2. Solve all Google last 6 months common asked hard/ medium level algorithms;
  3. Follow common asked algorithms from those companies, make sure that I can see the improvements through my practice.

Here are a few Leetcode discuss posts written by me in 2020 I like to share.

  1. 1368. Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid - hard level
  2. 1631. Path With Minimum Effort
  3. 1231. Divide Chocolate
  4. 1293. Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination
  5. 552. Student Attendance Record II
  6. 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix

My favorite discussion posts related to tree and other topics:

  1. 687. Longest Univalue Path
  2. 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
  3. 889. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal

I enjoyed most in 2020 to go over all those links related to dynamic programming. I really enjoyed the learning how to solve dynamic programming algorithms.
Important and Useful links from all over the LeetCode

My most favorite reading to prepare for Google onsite
Nov. 27, 2020
Google | New Grad L3 [ Pending ]
Helpful Channels by Rank [According to me] :
Back To Back SWE ( Best one for everything )
Abdul Bari ( Very good, when it comes to learning new Data Structures )
WilliamFiset ( Very Good for learning Graph problems )
Kevin Naughton Jr. ( Good for random medium problems. Does not always solve the most effecient way, but it is good enough )
Nick White ( Same as the above )
happygirlzt ( Solves a lot of hard problems. Even if you don't understand her soll, if you watch her code you can figure out yourself )

Toughest bug I wrote and hard to fix by myself
If you are the expert on Leetcode, you know where I am in terms of weakness. I still find myself to struggle on small details here and there.

  1. 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum
  2. 737. Sentence Similarity II

My hobby

I really love to practice hard level algorithms, and I also like to explore different ideas from top players, and then copy idea and write C# practice in less than 15 or 20 minutes for those hard level algorithms. My favorite players are Lee215 and a few others. When I have free time, I always like to try some new ideas, specially hard level, try at least three top voted discuss posts, and I really like to advance my C# coding skills.

85 - Maximal Rectangle
(Second practice - C# - Curiosity - Study and learn - 84 Largest histogram

84 - largest rectangle in histogram
C# Showcase how to solve the problem starting from 2015
How to analyze the problem starting from brute force solution?
It takes a few years to learn those two hard level algorithms 84 and 85. I think that one of practical approaches is to write at least three solutions just by copying ideas and code, convert it to my own language choice first. One of ideas I tried is to work on a simple test case, explain to myself using the test case, build confidence by solving this simple test case first, and later if I have time, then I can add some edge cases discussion.

Mathmatics is my hobby. Security and cryptograhpy is my favorite courses in my academic learning experience. I really like to advance my research skills, I think that Leetcode algorithm practice will help me to improve my research talent.

Please share your tips and strategies if you have 5 to 10 minutes, your favorite top players on Leetcode, who to learn from ideas and coding from Leetcode discuss post.

Happy new year 2021 and great success for everyone in 2021.

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